Lauren Jacobs & Lyndsy Doyle (charity seat)
APCAM - Family Mental Health and SEN Support Organisation
APCAM are a West Oxfordshires grass roots mental health charity providing free at the point of need mental health support services to families and young people.
Our services include:
- Weekly Parent Drop-in (Thursdays)
- Young Peoples Drop-in (Thursday Evening 4-6pm)
- Children's Mental Health Clinic
- Parent Support & Advocacy Service
- School interventions for non-attenders to support a move to alternative provision or reintegration
- In School Mental Health Training for staff and parents
- Mental Health First Aid
- Support with form filling for EHCP, SEN, DLA & PIP
- Additional Clinics in Witney (Tuesdays PM) during school holidays
You can come along to our weekly drop-ins from 9.30-4.30 every Thursday at Carterton Family Centre, The Allandale Centre Building, Carterton, OX18 3AA.
We appreciate all the amazing ongoing support from Networking Women and it's members.